Sunday, October 13, 2013



Facebook is not just a great way to keep in contact with old friends and family members that live abroad. It has become an authentic modern day mission field. Never before have so many millions been accessible at just the click of a button. So much good could be done for the Kingdom of God if the Lord’s servants used Facebook for God’s glory. Let’s find out how…

1.- Promote a Gospel focus on your Page.

May your status updates, videos, songs, notes and photos make Jesus look marvellous! Turn the spotlight on Him and share about what He’s done for you. Leave no doubt that Christ is the love of your life. Exalt Him exuberantly and constantly. Turn your Page into a joy-filled hymn of praise.

2.- Be gracious to all.

Once you start to magnify Jesus, don’t be surprised to find some of your more sceptically-minded contacts throwing cold water on you. Opposition is a promised gift to all of God’s disciples. But be patient, kind and warm-hearted when dealing with your ‘enemies’. Keep meek. Keep humble. And always be ready to give an answer to “every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). Be firm but respectful.

3.- Do nothing to denigrate God’s character.

If your contacts know that you are believer then please don’t do anything online that would lead them to blaspheme the name of the Lord. What kind of things do I have in mind? Uploading dirty jokes, half-naked photos of yourself, comments with swear words, harsh criticisms of other people (especially loved ones and other believers), constant joyless negativity and emotionally manipulative images that usually carry messages like “Please click like and we will offer up a prayer for this terminally sick person” or “Share this image and God will bless you thirty-fold”, etc. You know the type of garbage I’m talking about. Christians must shun even the very appearance of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

4.- Moderate your activity.

Remember also that there is more to life than logging into social networks. There are no doubt people under your roof and in your neighbourhood who would be blessed by your flesh-and-blood presence. Don’t let Facebook rob you from real life face-to-face contact with folk and friends who love you. You weren’t created to be a ‘virtual’ believer but a real life one.


In sum, in all of your Facebook activity let the apostolic motto ring true: “Whatever therefore you eat, or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Turn your Page into a Gospel witness, be gracious to others, don’t upload anything that would bring God or His people into repute and be sure to use Facebook moderately. Those are just some ways in which any servant of Christ can go online and use Facebook for God’s glory. Hope that helps...