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Monday, November 18, 2013


There was a time when life used to be beautiful. Everything was so fresh, so new and so astonishingly enthralling. Mystery surrounded us. Every step we took was music. By day, sunbeams smiled down warmly and by night, the stars twinkled munificently. All creation erupted in a carnival of dancing for us to contemplate the splendour on display. Perfection and paradise were our lot. With so much to discover and experience, we quivered under the thought of the promised sweetness awaiting us. We were merely starting out as meagre pilgrims on the vast journey of life. We couldn’t escape from hope’s embrace.

God designed our existence to be that way. His creation was a joy-driven work that saturated nature in abounding love and soul-drenching hope. He made everything to be ever so good. What a delight He took in furnishing us a world so perfect to live in! Such was His love that His handiwork flowed fluently and freely. He was satisfied to see His creation satisfied. He rejoiced to see others rejoice. He put glee in man’s heart to fascinate him with divine goodness. Could God have been any more melodious, harmonic and tuneful? He did all things well. The whole earth responded merrily in an anthem of effortless praise.

So what went wrong? The problem began when we forsook the fount of all beauty: God, the Creator. Having denied ourselves an authentic existence before Him, we became dark beasts that opted for a shadowy existence and an identity based upon human self, success and domination. We crucified the holy passions with which we were formed. So the Wholly Other One disappeared from sight. And we were wickedly thankful. God was condemned to oblivion. At last, we had got rid of the Imposter! Or so we thought.

This primitive longing for beauty and existential fullness has never left man and it never will. It forms part of our human constitution. That’s why so many middle-class and middle-aged Westerners wake up one day in their forties to realize they have become walking institutions burdened by the crippling weight of having to project a constant image of untarnished success. Rather than rejoicing with those that rejoice, they get rotten about the happiness that others find in life, bearing their disgust with a diplomatic smile in public. Life, for them, has turned into a dead-end alley of pressure, rules, things, money and structure. Frustration is triggered, and sooner or later, an inherent scream in every one of these beauty-forsaking well-to-doers releases itself in the most violent and desperate of manners. This soul-piercing scream squeals frantically for redemption. It is the sign of paradise lost. It uncovers the scary depths of humanity’s anguish.

There is no way to find satisfaction for this vicious thirst until peace is made with God. God created the human soul to fill it with Himself. After all, man was made for something greater than success and domination; he was formed for beauty. He was crafted to delight in it. And as the Bible shows, absolute beauty can only be found in the Eternal One, that is, He who revealed His majesty on a bloody cross in Palestine on a run-of-the-mill Friday afternoon not too long ago. Faith is the key to recovering this dynamic and adventurous joy of life that God the Creator desires to bestow ever so richly upon every desperate life.

If you are one of the broken ones, why not ask God to fill you? He’ll make your life beautiful.

Will Graham


Where the light of God is, darkness has no hiding place…

“My name is Sniko Lennox Mbangatha from South Africa. First of all, I would like to thank Mr Milton Marire for showing me this station of Emmanuel TV which God used to save my life and rescue me from the clutches of darkness. My mother died when I was very young, so I was raised by family members through the years. Last year, my uncle passed away and he was the one who had really been taking up responsibility for me. After his passing, so many negative things began happening in the family. People started doing rituals and visiting traditional healers, known as ‘sangomas’ in my language.
“As a result of this, I was given a small rope to keep around my waist at all times for protection. My wife really didn’t want it in the house and we fought over it many times. However, at this point a friend introduced me to Emmanuel TV and I began to watch. Shortly afterwards, a friend of my wife came to our house with Anointing Water and ministered it to us. Right from childhood, I had been plagued with demonic attacks; it was so hard for me to sleep at night because I kept hearing these strange voices the whole night. However, after using the Anointing Water, the following day when I woke up, to my greatest surprise, the rope was gone in my waist! I couldn’t believe my eyes; it was removed by God Himself! I thank God and T.B. Joshua for the blessings He gave me because now I can sleep at night peacefully without hearing these strange voices. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I pray that I would come to Lagos one day to thank T.B. Joshua personally for saving my life.”  

Via Distance is not a  Barrier

God so loved the world

"God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son." He gave Him not only to live among men, to bear their sins, and die their sacrifice. He gave Him to the fallen race. Christ was to identify Himself with the interests and needs of humanity. He who was one with God has linked Himself with the children of men by ties that are never to be broken. Jesus is "not ashamed to call them brethren" (Hebrews 2:11); He is our Sacrifice, our Advocate, our Brother, bearing our human form before the Father's throne, and through eternal ages one with the race He has redeemed the Son of man. And all this that man might be uplifted from the ruin and degradation of sin that he might reflect the love of God and share the joy of holiness...Amen!♥



Jesus is the Messiah

Jesus is the Messiah! He came to the world to give life to those who need it. Who doesn't need life? Everyone needs life. The Bible says “His own people received Him not… (John 1:11).” But to those who received Him without being septic, “He gave them the power to become the SONS of God (John 1:12)”

There shouldn't be an argument. Jesus is Lord and Savior of our lives. He is in beginning with God; with Him all things were made. Without Him nothing was made. He is the word and the word is God (John 1:1-3)

Jesus is Life; without Jesus we are lifeless and in crisis. Life was given to men by God. He gave us life so that we can serve in Him in truth and holiness. He made all things, so that we can feel happiness all days of our life. Light was given to because darkness can’t comprehend it.
Who is the light and who is the darkness? Jesus is the Light. Evil doers own the darkness. They destroy lives through darkness. But light gives life.

Some scholars does not believe Jesus, yes, they don't. It is a pity! If they don't believe in Jesus who else will they believe? Will they believe you or me? They won't because they are filled with false ideas. So many times they get confused but they won't tell you. Most of them secretly believed that Jesus is the life. But they won't tell you that. Reason is because they want to be popular with their false-idea teachings.
It is funny but reality. Three things made those scholars who claimed not to believe in Jesus who also called themselves atheism. They are :( 1) those scholars who took their pens and start writing about theories of evolution or related have no work to do. Yes they don't. If they do, they wouldn't have gone for researches for “unsearchable.” (2) Devils gave them a lot of money, in turn they will bring confusions to the world after they have got some falsehood ideas. Finally, they claimed not to believe Jesus because they want to become a superman which can never be possible.

We do not need to doubt, we shouldn't. All we need to do is BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS LORD AND SAVIOR. Preach the true gospel to the world. Let all you have acquired in life be used in glorifying the Lord. The more we glorify Him, the more we help those in need, the more He blesses us.
I can say it proudly; since I gave my life to Jesus I have been experiencing greater things in my life. Believe me, you too can.

All I want from you today is for you to make up your minds and start preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Don't find it difficult to helping those who needs your help. The more you bless them, the more the Lord will bless you.

Conclusion: Friends, please don't believe their false teaching, follow what your Bible tells you.