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Saturday, November 16, 2013


Well, lads, I’m sure you’ve heard these questions asked a million times over the years. Maybe you’ve even asked some of them yourself. “Who’s the right girl for me? What will she look like? Do I already know her? How will I know who it is?”
Admittedly they’re all fairly honest (and appropriate) questions. But there are several even more fundamental questions that single Christian males should ask themselves before even thinking about getting a girl.

Question 1: Am I a man?

God didn’t create a boy and a girl in the Garden of Eden. He made a man and a woman. God’s plan for marriage is for men- not for wimpy boys. A man of God must be mature, emotionally stable, responsible and capable of taking care of a woman of God. So if you’re still trying to be the ‘church clown’ by constantly draw attention to yourself, it’s a pretty sure sign that you shouldn’t be thinking about seeking a girlfriend. You’ll curse her rather than bless her if you’re only a boy dressed up a man’s body. A boy only thinks of himself whereas a man is concerned about others.

Question 2: Can I provide for her economical needs?

Not only must a man be able to offer emotional support to his potential spouse, but economic stability as well. This doesn’t mean that you have to be the richest guy in your Christian circle, but it does mean that you have to have a sound work ethic and a healthy attitude towards hard labour. God will always send His blessing upon such guys. In Old Testament days, men of the Lord made sure their wives had a roof over their heads, a bed to sleep on and food on the table. If you can’t provide for a girl, then it’s definitely not the right time to think about a relationship.

Question 3: Can I provide for her spiritual needs?

Men- as the Bible makes clear- are the head of the house. A man of the Lord is responsible for his wife’s spiritual welfare. This means that he must be able to teach his future wife (and children) sound doctrine. Also, he must make sure that she is in a sound church environment where the Gospel is plainly preached and the Scriptures constantly expounded. But if you don’t have an intimate prayer life with God and if you don’t set time aside to daily meditate upon the Scriptures, how do you think you’ll be able to spiritually edify your lady? Answer: you won’t! If Christ isn't the centre of your own personal life, He sure won't be the centre of your relationship-life either.


If single Christian men asked themselves these three simple questions before contemplating a relationship, a load of lives would be saved from so many unnecessary tragedies and countless hearts would not have to be broken. So ask yourself one more time: Am I a man? Can I provide for her economical needs? Can I provide for her spiritual needs? And if the answer is “yes” to each of these questions, then keep seeking the Lord and His righteousness and everything else (a woman of God included, if the Lord so desires) shall be added onto you (Matthew 6:33).

 By Will Graham


                                                  JESUS CHANGED MY LIFE!
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God will make a way



When I was recently converted, I met a few folk who told me they were angry at God. Although I didn't really know how to respond to them, I couldn't help thinking that it was a rather stupid strategy to adopt. Why get angry at God? What has He done wrong?

Today I just want to take the phrase “I am angry at God” and show why it’s such folly…

1.- I AM

The first part of the phrase is “I am”. But if it were not for God’s act of creation, there would be no “I am” to begin with. Descartes said I think therefore I am. However, the Bible shows that God is therefore I am. How could any of God’s creatures ever get mad at Him and retain his (or her) sanity? Is that not the folly of follies? How can we get angry at someone upon whom our very existence depends?


The second part of the phrase is “angry”. “I am angry”. And yet again we must realize that our emotions stem from God. They were made for His glory to be exhibited through us. So how is it that we use these God-given emotions against the One who made us? Does that make any sense? We can only get angry because God allows us to. So why- oh why- would we ever think of raging against Him? Maybe we foolishly think He owes us something or that He has done us wrong. But let’s not forget that God Himself is the absolute standard of justice, correctness and rightness. Our human justice fades into the distance when God’s righteousness comes into view.

3.- AT GOD

The third part of the phrase is “at God.” “I am angry at God”. Of all the people and things we could get angry at on this earth, why would we ever get angry at the Lord who is working out all things for the good of His people? The very fact that we hate injustice is the fruit of the moral conscience that God has granted to each one of us. God is not our enemy. We are supposed to be fighting for His cause on this earth; not for the advancement of our own human kingdoms. But too often we get too big for our boots and start to think that the world doesn't revolve around Jesus, but around little old us. That’s a mighty big mistake!


I hope this quick reflection should show the manifest stupidity of ever getting angry at God. And if we ever find ourselves boiling up at God, the best thing to do would be to get angry with ourselves for being so selfish, self-centred and sinful. God owes us nothing. We owe Him everything. If anyone gets angry, it should be Him getting angry at us. That would make a whole lot more sense…

By  Will Graham

Success is our life

Success is our life; we live it day and night. It is our food. It is our drink. We sing to it, we dance with it. We sleep in it and wake up to it. We are inseparable from it and it from us. It is us and we are it. When you are married into it or have children in it, only death can break the chord.